
214 Coffee Break: Help! I feel guilty for not praying enough for my wayward teen children.

You can get our 30 Days of Prayer for the Unsaved resource (mentioned in today's episode) for free at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/unsaved.

Today we're discussing a listener question from a "Struggling Praying Parent of Teens" who feels guilty about not praying more for her wayward teen children. 

Whether you have children or not, prayer guilt is something we all struggle with. Unfortunately, it's one of the tools the enemy uses to discourage us from prayer, or paralyze us altogether in our prayer lives. Join us today for a conversation where we unpack some of the hangups behind prayer guilt, and offer some practical suggestions for how to pray with more joy and power for your children and loved ones. We hope to leave you with encouragement and hope to stay the course in your powerful prayers for the people you love most - with none of the guilt!

This podcast is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. Visit www.faithfulcounseling.com/praying to receive 10% off your first month!

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