
124 Navigating God's Plans for Your Life with Alli Worthington

Do you ever wonder how to discern God's voice from all of the noise? Have you ever struggled to figure out which people to surround yourself with to help you navigate an important decision, or to decide whether to follow a dream or not? If so, you'll definitely want to join us for today's episode of the Praying Christian Women podcast! Our guest Alli Worthington talks with us about her own experiences in these areas and so much more. We discuss her new book, "Standing Strong: A Woman's Guide to Overcoming Adversity and Living with Confidence," and the amazing story about how even the book itself is a testimony to God's ability to faithfully and powerfully direct our steps, even when we can't see what's ahead.

You can connect with Alli at www.alliworthington.com, where you can find out more about her book (and take a really fun quiz to find out what your superpower is!).

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