The Day the End Began: Days of the Apocalypse Book 1
by Mark E. Fischer
Publisher's description:
Margot’s paintings are stunning, terrifying, and prophetic. Within months, the world will end. But few believe her.
For four years, Margot has painted stark warnings from the Book of Revelation predicting the end. When her work goes viral on her brother’s website, her Belgian archbishop calls her possessed and excommunicates her. Distraught, she renounces her art and her faith.
All his life, Dylan Turner, son of an atheist CEO, has drifted without purpose—until he becomes a Christian. After finding Margot’s paintings on the web, he fears for his unsaved family in the coming Rapture, and he prays to be left behind. But when he lands in Belgium and meets Margot, people start vanishing. As her paintings reveal more secrets, the two receive a dangerous, perhaps divine, mission. But powerful demonic forces rise against them.
Raised by the satanic League of Abaddon, Davato leads a UN delegation seeking a Middle East peace. After the first heavenly seal is broken, he receives dark powers from the Master himself. As chaos, anarchy, and lawlessness grip the planet, Davato brokers an historic peace agreement, stunning the globe. The world listens spellbound as he promises peace and prosperity. He’ll reunite the old Roman Empire. He’ll lead the world to a glorious new era. And he’ll free man’s inner spirit from all restraints. But no one asks: What is the number of his name?
Dylan’s brother Caleb rejects his CEO Father and seeks truth by writing unpublished novels. When the Rapture comes, he’s not yet a believer. Numerous UFO sightings convince the world that alien abductions caused the vanishing. When Caleb blogs about what really happened, the wrath of the Anti-Christ comes down upon him.
Margot’s divine revelations lead her and Dylan on a dangerous mission as the forces of evil, both earthly and supernatural, marshal against them. Only then do they learn how great are the stakes—not just for them, but for God’s plan for the end times.
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